The People Who Aren’t on Your Page

The People Who Aren’t on Your Page There are a lot of people out there who aren’t on your page.  The problem with a lot of you is that you don’t even know what page you’re on.  You’re listening to other people who are trying to get you on their page instead of really taking […]

Make Things Happen Yourself

Make Things Happen Yourself Let’s be real. Most of you aren’t doing what you could or should be doing to make things happen for yourself.  You think you are, but really you’re waiting on your mom, dad, coach, trainer, handler, recruiting service, or somebody else to do it for you.  You really are just dreaming. […]

Is Hard Work Enough?

Is Hard Work Enough? I’m sure a lot of you put in a lot of hard work. I’m sure a lot of you have heard about the 10,000-hour rule at mastering a new skill. Well if you haven’t, it’s basically the idea that it takes doing something for 10,000-hours to become an expert at it […]

Whatever It Takes

Whatever It Takes What does “whatever it takes” even mean? How many of you say you want to play Division 1 college basketball? How many of you say you want a “free ride?” (Side Note: This phrase makes me SMH. If you ever get the opportunity to play on a full athletic scholarship you will […]

Don’t Get Bamboozled

Getting recruited is such an exciting process. Along with all of the excitement comes confusion and organizations that prey on people during this time, so please DON’T GET BAMBOOZLED.

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